Dental Veneers

The aesthetic solution for your teeth

Dental veneers or “veneers” are restorations placed on the front of the teeth to correct imperfections such as cracks, minor fractures, stains and poor position or space between the teeth.
Dental veneers are a great option to improve the aesthetics of your smile with a natural appearance and incredible results.

Benefits of dental veneers

Dental veneers offer a series of aesthetic benefits for those patients who want to improve their smile effectively, quickly and without having to undergo more complex interventions or surgeries. Among the main benefits are:
  • They are exact replicas of natural teeth
  • They provide great resistance to teeth against possible fractures, stains and discolorations.
  • They help align teeth that are moved and/or affected by discoloration and stains.
  • They have an excellent aesthetic result

Before and after dental veneers

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Frequently Asked questions about dental veneers

How do I know I am candidate for veneers?
Mainly we’ll evaluate your bite and position of your teeth, if you are interested it would be really helpful if you can send us a photo of your smile.
How many veneers do I need?
It depends on every case, it goes from 2 to 10.
What material are used dental veneers?
We use composite and porcelain, our specialist can help you to decide which one is better in your case.
How long does veneers treatment takes?
It depends on every case, in ideal cases, it takes 2-3 weeks and 3 to 5 visits.
How recomendable are the veneers?
In Dental Project Mexico, we always recommend maintaining your teeth as natural as possible, and we will always encourage you to get the most conservative treatments. Veneers are the best option if your needs are just esthetic.

Advantages of placing your dental veneers at Dental Project México

  • We offer quality and personalized care to each of our patients.
  • Our procedures are performed with local anesthesia if necessary, however in some cases it will not be necessary and the patient can decide if they want to use sedation or not.
  • We offer a guarantee on treatment, if the patient complies with their routine visits.
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Transportation available from the border or San Diego airport!

Transfer from the Tijuana border or San Diego airport to the clinic and back.

What to expect?

  • Experienced doctors

  • Same day response

  • Professional and friendly staff

  • Walk-in patients accepted

  • No additional costs

  • On call 24/7

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